May 17, 2013

Summer 2013 Sewing Schedule

Summer is nearly here and here is information about our Summer Sewing Schedule. These classes run on the same format as our regular sewing classes during the school year, with just a bit of a modification to the duration of the class time. We will meet twice a month for 2 two hour classes. This way we can get into our projects and then keep sewing and not cleanup so soon after setting up! The class fees are the same $40 per month. If you prefer to pay for the whole summer term then the fee total will be $120. I will offer one make up session for each of the July and August months, to accommodate those of you who may need to miss due to vacations. So here are the following dates.

Tues will have 2 different classes offered choose which time is best for you
Tues June 11th, and 18th 10am to 12pm or 1pm to 3pm
Tues July 16th, and 23rd  10am to 12pm or 1pm to 3pm
Tues Aug 6th and WED Aug 21 10am to 12pm or 1pm to 3pm

Thursday Class
Thurs June 13th, and 20th 1pm to 3pm
Thurs July 18th and 25th 1pm to 3pm
Thurs August 8 and 22nd 1pm to 3pm

If you would like to sew this summer please email me and tell me which time slot you would like and I will put you in!

I am also planning to offer one summer camp class in each of the summer months. I am working on those projects and I will post those soon. Fridays will be the camp project days so be looking for those!

Happy Summer Sewing,
Brenda Andreasen